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Interpolation Settings

These parameters are available in the menu on the left in the Refine workspace:

1. Data Grid

Size of the exported grid as Zoom x Focus.

The focus distance interpolation uses the number of points on focus for its sampling.

with a grid of 6 by 4:

with a grid of 60 by 40:

The graph displayed will always be smooth, the export discretization is indicated by the intersections of the lines drawn on the curve.


Depending on the interpolation method within the render engine, it is usually better in terms of smoothness and accuracy of the curve to export with a fairly high density.

This will however make the lens file practically impossible to edit by hand.


You can export the lens file at a low density to test it within the engine at some points before applying the modifications in EZprofile and re-exporting at a high density for the final export.

2. Additional Focus Step

Adds more points on focus outside of the chosen distribution, progressively filling the biggest hole.

0 additional focus steps:

1 additional focus step:

2 additional focus steps:

This parameter will be reworked in the future. It is only useful up to 1 now as an option to reduce the first gap in the log distribution while maintaining very high density on the other side.

3. Focus Distribution

Adjusts the focus sampling between a uniform distribution and a logarithmic distribution.

More points toward 0:

Uniform distribution:

More points toward 1:


It is recommended to sample more points as the focus goes to infinity as this reduces linear interpolation errors in the render engine. This is also the area where the camera will be operated in most situations.